Indium XL
by East Park Research, Inc.
This is the
Indium-XL referred to in the book:
Indium: the Missing Trace Mineral" by Dr. Robert Lyons.
Indium is a rare trace mineral that supports several hormonal systems in the body. Indium may strongly elevate immune activity and reduce the severity and duration of a myriad of human ailments
What is Indium?
Indium - Element No. 49
Indium is a soft silvery metal that never dissolves in
water -until compounded by laboratory personnel.
Designated as element #49, it is the third heaviest
element known to be useful in nutrition. Iodine,
element #53, is the nutrient of heaviest molecular weight. Indium is never found in food or water, and ordinarily not in our bodies after 25-30 years of age. It is about the tenth most scarce of all available elements in the Periodic Table Of Elements. It connects the two largest groups of elements known to be beneficial to human nutrition.
Is it safe for human consumption?
This form of Indium, i.e., indium sulfate, is regarded as safe and has not demonstrated any toxic effect to persons or animals using several thousand times the recommended dosage. The usefulness of this element in humans and other warm-blooded animals has been established through research and development here in the United States of America.
How pure is the Indium Compound?
The product is an aqueous solution containing 99.99% pure indium sulfate anhydrous and distilled water as the sole ingredients, i.e., all the contaminants total about one part in ten thousand. Few other natural nutritional supplement compounds are this pure.
How does it taste?
It has a clean, strong metallic, tart taste, but it is not unbearable. You will know it. Its taste cannot be hidden. "Typically Tastes Terribly Tart While Working Wonderfully Well."
How does it work?
Indium appears to provide enhancement to the master hormone producers, the pituitary and hypothalmus glands, to maintain optimal output of hormones. These in-turn, stimulate other hormone-producers. This creates a virtual cascade of over thirty hormones which are produced and circulated throughout the body to prevent and fight aging and health problems.
In addition, indium increases the utilization in the body of other essential trace elements. Studies by Dr. Henry Schroeder, whose earlier research is responsible for eliminating lead from paint and gasoline, show the average utilization of trace elements is increased by 142% with indium.
What benefits can I expect from Indium?
Long term reduction of the appearances of aging. Greatly elevated immunity activity reducing severity and duration of colds and bruises and providing faster healing. Relief from arthritis. Faster working memory; less sleep requirements; sense of well being replacing depression. Over the next few years and with tens of thousands of users, we should see a lowered set of cancer figures for the Indium users.
In seniors the sense of smell and taste returned in a short time. Over a longer period of time, too low blood pressure has gone up and too high blood pressure has come down. Several cases of blood pressure, up into the 160' s took two months to come down into the lower 130's at about one half point a day. Several participants achieved the return of former, youthful hair growth. More listings under "Benefits Achieved From Indium Absorption."
How fast does Indium work?
It starts affecting glands in the first day, but most new users' benefits take over a week to reach noticeable level. You do not take Indium today for benefits today! You should take it for at least 3 months.
How is Indium packaged?
The indium sulfate aqueous solution comes in a small multi-dose bottle, with a dropper in the cap. Each vial contains between 90-100 drops. At the recommended one drop per day dosage, one bottle provides a 3-month supply.
What are the contraindications and cautions for use of Indium sulfate?
It may have no benefit for type one diabetic individuals who are 100% insulin dependent. A very low thyroid condition may correct too fast in some users, thus producing a unique pressure headache. In that case it can be taken once a week, increasing the frequency until the body adjusts itself to it. The headache is noticeable only upon awakening and is relieved by any physical activity. Some of the users experienced headaches, which were modest and brief. A source of iodine is essential in the diet against these symptoms, the Morton Lite (Iodine) Salt is especially effective.
Will Indium make me stronger with more endurance?
Not directly, but indirectly. During prolonged physical exertion, lactic acid tends to build up in the muscle tissue, and the more it does, the greater the pain, thus limiting persistence in physically exerting activity. With Indium this build-up is slowed down, providing longer endurance.
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-Ron Pellegrini
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Last modified June, 2015.
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Alphabetical Product Menu
Benefits Achieved from Indium Absorption
• Memory improvements in older adults - in the second month
• Increased mental concentration in older adults - in four months
• Less sleep needed for full recuperation - in two days
• Better comfort reported by seriously ill persons - within the first week
• Obvious sense of well being - within the first week
• Improved rates of healing of scratches, burns, bruises speeded - under
one week
• Taste sensitivity restored in seniors - after the first week
• Return of sense of smell in seniors - within the first week
• Normalization of too low blood sugar - in second week
• Hypoglycemia range reduced to near normal - in second week
• Stopping of normal migraine headache - in hours to two weeks
• Parkinson's patients walk, talk, navigate better - under two weeks
• Endurance in hard work and endurance sports extended - in ten days
• Normalization of low amounts of tears and saliva - in two weeks
• Senior diabetic control of sugar level - gradually in four weeks
• Eyeball pain disappears - by third week
• Normalization of low blood pressure - after two months
• Glaucomic eyeball pressure reduces gradually to normal - in four months
• Auto-immune illness, arthritis symptoms significantly reduced - by the third
• Irregular menstrual cycle changes to normal - in two months
• Return of hair growth - in several months
• Disappearance of persistent dandruff - after six months
• Normalization of too high blood pressure - in four months
• Ending of dry hard skin on elbows and knees - after a year
• Return of moon-rise at base of fingernails - in second year
• Change of appearance in long-term aging process substantially slowed
• Slower tooth tartar buildup around gums - after first year